Friday, February 09, 2007


This is actually where we sit to do the broadcast... it's in the Club area of the Staples Center... see that wood wall behind us? Right on the other side of it is the actual Staples Center... seats in the 100 level and the big huge GRAMMY STAGE!
Each year that we do this broadcast, we're always known as 'the candy people'. I always make sure we stock up on tons of delicious candy - snickers, sour patch kids, valentines hearts... I mean everything. We do this because sometimes it gets SO CRAZY back there it's hard to get all of the people we want to talk to to actually stop at our table... CANDY lures them in! Sounds silly, but it REALLY WORKS!
This is Forest from the band Hello Goodbye... you hear the song "Here in Your Arms" on Q104.
This is PUTTY!!!! Remember him from Seinfeld? His real name is PATRICK WARBURTON and he's in a new show on CBS - Rules of Engagement. He was a GREAT GUY to talk to...
You've heard Rocco DeLuca on the Now Music Challenge at night on Q104, and here he is sayin' hi at the Grammy Broadcast!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to see as usual, you had a really baaaad!!!!!!!!!!! time. Works just no fun anymore, or at least not for some of us.
Looks like you had a great time. Love the Pics. Love, Aunt Wormy(the one not at the Grammys')

5:10 PM  

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