Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Wow. Sometimes I think I enjoy an acoustic performance better than one with a full band... you can almost feel the music a bit more and the emotions that the artists put into it. One of my personal favorites Will Bowen opened the show and nailed it! (check him out here: http://www.willbowen.com/ the song Mr. Right is AMAZING... my favorite, followed by WITHOUT YOU HERE) Marie Digby looked as beautiful as her voice sounded, Matt Nathanson has a great sense of humor and reminded me a bit of John Mayer - NOT AT ALL because of the way he sounds or looks, but because he has such an original-looking way of performing. Kinda like John Mayer makes those funny faces? Matt has some interesting body movement... and Emerson Hart has an amazing solo album - he was already great when he was with Tonic! It was so fun to watch Will Bowen meet him and be somewhat "awed" by the whole experience.

One of the best parts of this event is the fact that these artists spent time signing autographs, taking pictures and hanging out with the people that came to watch the show. How lucky we all are to have experienced this evening. I'll remember it for a long time to come... here's some pix of my crew:

My brother Joey and Matt Nathanson... he's a BIG fan and I think semi-stalked him after the show. We loved that when we met him right before he went on stage, he said, hang on, I'm almost ready, heading to the "Tinkle Palace" first...
Matt Nathanson and myself...
Matt Nathanson and my best friend Jason...

This is the guy who was playing piano on stage with Emerson Hart. His name is David Mead and is super cool... he's actually a solo artist too! Check out his stuff here: http://www.myspace.com/davidmead

It's Will Bowen, my brother Joey, Rob Kruz, myself and Jason

Lookie! It's Santa Fee!

Here's my first pose with Emerson Hart... photographer extrordinaire, Allan Fee, didn't like his face in it, so he made us do it again...

So now I look goofy and he looks normal... nice...


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