Friday, February 09, 2007

If you watch Desperate Housewives, you know who Josh Henderson is... the bad boy nephew of Edie... here he is stoppin' by to say hi.
LOOK! It's Gnarls Barkley! Well, actually, it's Cee Lo from the band Gnarls Barkley... signing a drum head that will later be given away to a lucky Q104 listener! The band is nominated for 5 Grammy Awards...
Cee Lo said if he could win only one of the 5 categories they're nominated for, he'd want "Album of the Year."
Just one more shot with Cee Lo... this guy was SUPER nice... had such a long day and STILL took the time to sit down and talk to us. And surprisingly, he's very soft spoken!
Have you ever watched the show Crank Yankers? The guy on the left is Jim Valentine and he does puppet voices on that show... you've seen the guy on the right on Sex and the City (the Weight Watchers episode with Miranda) and he's going to be doing work with ESPN beginning this week. Jim Valentine is coming to the Improv in Cleveland at the end of the month... and he is FUNNY! I've never seen his stand up, but after talking to him at the Grammys, this guy is cool...


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